While most five-year-olds play with dinosaurs and ride tricycles, Lamar Solomons battles a rare genetic condition that causes severe...
While most five-year-olds play with dinosaurs and ride tricycles, Lamar Solomons battles a rare genetic condition that causes severe...
ER24 and Vodacom have come together to empower people living with disabilities and the National Relay Service (NRS), the...
Two young people with a degenerative eye condition are among four patients to recently receive life-changing corneal transplants at...
Take our test today! Some people look after their health sensibly, some don’t give it a thought, and others...
This ambitious young professional has advanced from a Basic Life Support paramedic to become ER24’s Limpopo Branch Manager. He...
Josh Adam was born with only three toes on his right foot and no ankle. His parents faced a...
Gale Shabangu is Chief Transformation Officer at Mediclinic Southern Africa. She is determined to help transform the business –...
Medical terms and jargon can be intimidating. Dr Tilla Muller, a general practitioner at Mediclinic Hermanus, explains some common...
Mom-of-two Sonet Crous recently underwent a 12-hour operation at Mediclinic Cape Gate to have a brain tumour removed.
Investing in hybrid vehicles is just one way Mediclinic is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.